Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun at Great Grandma's

Last weekend we spent the afternoon at Great Grandma's house. Luke did exactly what I used to do when arrived at her house - he made a beeline to the back family room where there were treats waiting for him.

He was also surprised to find some new outfits. Here he is sporting a new Kenneth Cole jacket.

And here he is getting in touch with his musical side.

And his culinary side...

And yes, another outfit...

Thanks Great Aunt Karen and Great Grandma!
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Go Bearcats!

Now that the Cubs have completely fallen apart, it's time to move on to Bearcat football! They play their first game this Thursday night, and Luke is getting for the season by wearing his Northwest Missouri State romper. Go Bearcats!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Big Week

We've had a busy week at the German household. Upon his return from Omaha, Luke was greeted by Grandma and Poppa Russell. Grandparents for two weeks straight! What fun. Thursday we had Luke's 18 month appointment. Current stats are: height = 35" (97%), weight = 28lbs, 4oz (78%), head = 19.75" (96%). So he's tall and skinny! Must get that from the German side. Dr. C also told us no more crib since he climbed out, so, we are preparing his room for toddler bed transition. Yikes!
A few pics with the grandparents... Trying to get him to sit on your lap is a real challenge this days.

Luke and Poppa have quite a few similar expressions... Guess that makes sense since they're both babies.

Oh I'm SO TIRED from all this fun!

Just a little guy....
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

For You Grandpa

Grandpa couldn't wait to see Luke romp around in the garden oasis he created in his backyard, so this is for you Dad...

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Daddy discovered a new bakery in the neighborhood name Cupcake Island and couldn't resist getting some. Here's Luke tackling a chocolate raspberry cupcake. He devoured it, of course.

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Big Luke at Big Fred's

Big Fred's is somewhat of an Omaha institution, so we took Luke there last night for dinner. He loved the pizza and chicken tenders.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Luke and Lilly

Luke and Lilly are having a lot of fun together this weekend. They're sure going to miss each other when we leave tomorrow afternoon.

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Trip to the Park

Luke was acting a bit grumpy after waking up with a little cold this morning, so we decided take him to the park. He perked up immediately and absolutely loved going down all the slides. He seemed much more adventurous than normal.

It was pretty cool this morning, so we put him in one of Daddy's old Cubs jackets. It was a little too big, but looked great on him!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Day, Another Girlfriend

While it took Daddy about 27 years to get a woman to look at him, it looks as if Luke has done the same in about a year and a half. Here he is moving in on Grandma G's 3-year old neighbor Anna. Please don't tell Anna's father Paxton, though. He would squash me like a bug.

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More Fun at Grandma's

We went shopping this morning while the weather was a little stormy, then played in the yard this afternoon. We'll probably test out the little kids pool in the backyard once he wakes from his nap.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Luke and His Ladies

We had dinner at Jon and Courtney's house tonight and Luke was all about his ladies.

Here he is playing it cool with Lindsey...

...then moving in for the kill shortly thereafter...

...but ultimately getting rejected as Lindsey took off.

He probably came on a little too strong after initially playing it cool, but we're still working on it. It took Daddy about 27 years to "master his craft", so he has plenty of time.
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