Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Model Son

Luke has gotten to be a good sport when it comes to having his picture taken. I think he actually enjoys posing now! What a ham...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Life is tough when you're 6 weeks old!

Poor Weston... All he wants to do is sleep while the rest of us are creating all kinds of ruckus around him. Life is tough!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Growing Up... and Out!

Weston is fitting much better into the outfit he wore home from the hospital. I swear he's on a permanent growth spurt! And every day Luke becomes more and more interested in Weston. He now has to be right beside him whenever he is lying down. Sometimes he even protests when I pick him up. I think they are going to be best buddies.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Weston's One Month Specs

We had to do the measurements ourselves since Weston doesn't go back to the doctor for another couple of weeks... So based on our rough estimates, he's 11lbs. 5oz. (!!) and 22.25" long. Growing like a weed!

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Until next year...

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Luke and the Lake

This was by far the most fun Luke has had at the Lake. He made himself right at home and had so much fun playing in and out of the cabin. Of course it helped that he had lots of attention from Poppa! Here he is showing us his model face... having a ball pouring water from the cooler over his head... posing in front of the pontoon... and finally, enjoying our rather gross obsession with cheese spread that the family partakes in on every trip. I swear he would eat a tub of that stuff straight up if we let him.

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Weston's First Trip to the Lake

Weston at one month old is officially the youngest family member to visit the Lake. Of course, he spent most of the time sleeping! Well, at least during the day! But he did hang out on the beach... had his first pontoon ride... and spent time being soothed through his fussy evenings by Nana and Daddy.

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The Lake

We had a wonderful time at the lake last week - MUCH better than our Memorial Day Trip! I've got tons of pics to post... Here's the first batch: Luke fell in love with corn on the cob.... went his deepest yet into the water... had fun hanging out with the guys on the beach... and spent time playing with pinwheels.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weston is 4 Weeks Old!

Here's our first pic of Weston in the striped chair! We're going to be at the lake when he turns 1 month on Friday, so I took the picture today. We'll put up his growth specs when we get back... Can't believe he's already a month old!!!
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Busy Weekend, con't

Here's a couple of photos from Mommy's phone of Weston enjoying he and Luke's first concert on Saturday - Ralph's World. They both had a great time!

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Busy Weekend

Our weekend included everything from a children's concert at the Morton Arboretum, to a pizza party at a friend's house, to Weston's first visit to Great Grandma's house. Unfortunately we didn't have our camera handy for most of it, but here are a couple pictures from my phone.

Luke and his ladies:

Great Grandma holding Weston:
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Boys!

Today Holli, Kristin and I got all SEVEN of our boys together. How crazy does that sound??? It was actually really fun. Not sure how we will handle it when the little ones get older. It's wild enough right now!

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