Friday, February 25, 2011

Deep Thoughts from Weston

Sitting Duck

Weston is getting really good at sitting up on his own. He almost doesn't need the Boppy anymore but he's become a target for Luke so I'll probably keep using it for a while... How fun it is for Luke to tip him over!!!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

First Fight

So Luke and Weston had their first "fight" the other day when I was taking pictures. Luke has two little army guys that Weston desperately wanted to play with. Weston kept trying to grab one and of course Luke wouldn't let him have it - or he would let him have it then promptly take it away. Weston was getting SO MAD! It was hilarious! A sign of things to come I'm afraid...

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Luke and I celebrated Valentine's Day by making sugar cookies. I've been anxiously awaiting the day that Luke could help me make sugar cookies as it is something I really enjoy. He did an amazing job! He was very focused and helped me every step of the way. It took us all morning but we had a great time. Please excuse the underwear shots - we are potty training!

Weston is 7 Months Old!

...and as cute as ever! Every day is so much fun with this little guy. He's got the sweetest smile in the whole world!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't worry...

We didn't forget that Weston is 7 months today... We'll post chair pics tomorrow!
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Happy Birthday Boys!

Today we had a birthday party for Luke and his buddies who all have birthdays in February: Charlie, Chase and Briggs. They all enjoyed their cupcakes!

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Only Weston...

...could still look ridiculously cute with gross green baby food all over his face!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Birthday Dinner

We had a very fun birthday dinner for Luke tonight. He picked out a HUGE balloon at the store that he is having a great time with. We ate mac-n-cheese and hot dogs, then CAKE! The most important part, according to Luke since that's all he talks about! And finally he opened his gift which of course was "too scary".

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Happy 3rd Birthday Luke!

I know it's hard to believe but Luke is 3 years old today! And what a great day he has had so far. He slept in until almost 9am. Then his buddies Charlie, Chase and Briggs came over for a playdate. And for lunch he ate a birthday donut that Holli brought over for him. He seems so grown up, it's crazy. He put himself down for a nap today! He said, "Mommy, stay downstairs." So I did, and sure enough he went to his room. We'll see if he actually falls asleep! After naps we're going to the store to pick out a little cake.

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