Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Potty Training?

Luke decided that he needed to show Weston how to use the potty chair today. Oh boy! No surprise, Weston showed little interest although he did sit on it for a minute. At least he's got the toilet paper concept down! If Luke wants to teach him he is MORE than welcome!

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dinner at Wheatfields

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Luke on Stage at Goey's House

Here is a little video compilation of our stay at Goey's house this weekend:

He loves the little golf set Goey bought for him yesterday:

Luke and Anna On Stage

Walk Around the Block

Weston's new favorite activity!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Me and my Valentine

Birthday Lunch

Aunt Sissy and Uncle Nate took Luke out to lunch last Sunday for his birthday. They went to the Rainforest Cafe which was QUITE the adventure for Luke. Apparently he was a little intimidated by the 2 minute rainstorms and big gorilla. No surprise there! But the highlight of the outing was when Luke dove under the table as the servers approached with a birthday brownie lit up by a sparkler. Then he literally bolted from under the table when they started to sing Happy Birthday! Oh I can only imagine!!! Guess he's not quite ready for the Rainforest Cafe. LOL!!!

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Luke's Favorite Sports

In order:

1. Golf
2. Bunksetball (basketball)
3. Baseball

He has the right sports, although the order is a bit off.

The reason I asked him what his favorites sports are, is because golf came on right after a basketball game just ended, and he said "Oh wow, golf. I like golf much better than football."

As we watched a little golf, Luke said, "I want to play golf."  So we started working on our putting.  Weston studied closely.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthdays

We celebrated both Luke's and GG's birthdays this morning at GG's house.


The boys are cleaning up the kitchen this morning...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Birthday Boy

I have to say, Luke had a pretty awesome birthday today. He got to go to preschool and bring a special treat - ice cream sandwiches. Then he got to make the fabulous crown you see below. And yes, he chose PINK for its color. When he got home the house was decorated and he was THRILLED. He kept saying "thank you Mommy, thank you!!!". It was so sweet. Then for dinner Daddy brought home Portillo's. But, of course, the highlight was the cake. He couldn't wait to dig into it. Well, the blue frosting at least! Now he and Daddy are having a "sleepover party" - meaning Daddy gets to sleep in the top bunk. What a fun day! By the end of the night Weston was ready to make a run for it. Too much excitement for him!

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Happy Birthday Luke!

Our little Luke turns 4 today! We can hardly believe it. Time sure flies by.

He's really excited to open all of his presents, eat some cake and have a sleepover party with Daddy (I'm sleeping in his bunk bed with him tonight). It sounds like there might be a Two Toots trip today as well.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl and Happy Birthday GG!

The boys are getting ready for our Super Bowl party! And in case you didn't notice, they're both wearing #94 jerseys and it's GG's 94th birthday! Happy 94th GG!!!


Putting the game last night behind us, Luke painted this Jayhawk with water colors based on the Jayhawk I was wearing on my shirt. This makes Mommy very happy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perfect Form

Luke is already taking after Daddy by focusing on shooting rather than passing at basketball practice.