Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten!

What an exciting day in the German household! It was Luke's FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!!!! Woo hoo!!! Yea!!! And what a fun day it was. We started the celebration on Sunday night with an ice cream cake. Monday morning we had cinnamon French toast and spent the morning resting and getting ready for the big event. Of course there were LOTS of photos. And Luke took it all in stride, like it was no big deal. When we got over to the school and it was time to line up, he ran to his place and we didn't even know it. He hardly looked back. Well, we at least got a little wave... :) All in all it turned out to be fun rather than emotional day. If there was ever a child who was ready for school, it was Luke German. So excited for this new adventure!

Mommy was a LITTLE excited... ;)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blurred Lines

Tailgating at the Brewers Game

We drove up to Milwaukee a couple weeks ago and went to a Brewers game (after a little tailgating of course). We had a great time!  We will definitely make this an annual event. Weston wouldn't have it any other way...

Medicine Cabinet

I guess it's time to relocate the medicine cabinet...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Fun

Only two and a half weeks until school starts... We've had such a fun summer!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

3 Year Appointment

Today we had Weston's 3 year appointment. 3 years!!!!! He did remarkably well. The doctor said he went through a considerable growth spurt over the last year. Big boy indeed! And no shots this time, so that was a relief, for both of us!

Here are his stats:
Height: 85.49%
Weight: 79.81%

Positively Play

Weston has been taking a summer camp called "Positively Play". Basically it's an introduction to preschool. It has worked out wonderfully because he is in the same classroom that Luke was in last year and with one of Luke's teachers! So Weston was very excited that he FINALLY got to stay! I have to say, it is literally one of the cutest things I have ever seen when he walks (runs!) into class with his little backpack bouncing behind him. Once he hangs up his backpack, he finds his name, puts it on the board, then goes and sits on the letter W. It's really too cute for words.

Bye bye Miss Lauren!

Now that Weston is 3, our Early Intervention speech therapy had to come to an end. We were so sad to say goodbye to our therapist Lauren, whom both the boys adored. Weston made remarkable progress with her assistance. We are excited to see how he does when he starts up in the fall with the school district program.