Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Buddy Chase

On Sunday we spent the day with Chase. We were having so much fun...

they did tummy time together...

then Luke tried to eat Chase's arm...

which didn't go over so well!
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  1. Best buddies! So cute.

  2. I miss you buddy. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Be good for mommy tonight! Daddy

  3. I just got home from shopping and couldn't wait to check the blog. What cute pictures! Luke, your smile is really something. We just can't wait to see you. We are getting things ready for your visit.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa G.

  4. Lucas you are the cutest baby ever! I love your smile and your twinkling eyes. You and Chase take adorable pictures. I hope you get to grow up together and have lots of fun doing so. See you soon!.
