Friday, September 12, 2008

Thing One and Thing Two

The two Lukes FINALLY met today! They are the cutest babies EVER, of course. We've decided they can room together when they both go to KU.

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  1. SO CUTE! These two will make great roomates at KU - tell the ladies to watch out!!!

  2. Talk about the two cutest little partners in crime that I have ever seen. They are going to have the best time. Give them a big hug and kiss for us. Lilly had a really good day today even though she doesn't like the rain very much. We have had a lot of rain the last two days and I am looking forward to seeing the sun.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa G.

  3. What a long way you two have come since GSP! It must be so much fun seeing your boys together. I love the KU warmup suits.
