Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hold On - I'm Coming!

As most of you know, Luke has been on the brink of crawling for weeks now. This video chronicles that journey...(make sure your sound is turned up!)

[Click here for a larger version]

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Luke is Crawling!

I think we can officially declare October 22nd as the day Luke crawled for the first time. We have it on video, but it will probably take a couple days to get it posted. Unfortunately, Grandma and Grandpa G missed it by one day...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Farmer Luke

Luke made his second trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday, this time with Grandma G along for the ride. We'll post some of those pictures soon, but we couldn't wait to post these pictures of Luke on his first tractor. Look how fast he and Mom were moving in the second picture!

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I just caught Luke playing with his mobile instead of taking a nap. Looks like I'd better take it out of the crib before he eats it!

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In My Opinion...

Here is Luke explaining his assessment of our struggling economy...

and then listening thoughtfully as I responded.
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Luke is 8 Months Today!

Luke is so comfortable in his chair now. It's funny to think about how we used to struggle to get him to sit up and stay in one place. He's teething like crazy. He actually tore through the teether while I was taking these pics - the liquid spilled out of it. He's such a little animal! Right now he's in the jumperoo growling like a lion. He loves his computer, just like his dad. But he tends to chew and slam it closed more than push the keys. Still not crawling - we been saying "any day now" for at least a month now!

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

What a Weekend

We had quite the eventful weekend at the German household. Poppa Rip is in town and he and Luke have been hanging out - blowing raspberries at each other and competing for talk time. Poppa gets a kick out of feeding him, which is great for me! Luke also popped TWO teeth, explaining some fussy behavior. He's up to six now! He's eating Cheerios and I think we'll try some pasta this week. Kevin and I caught him trying a new escape technique in his crib. I think it's time to lower the mattress. And, well, we won't discuss the Cubs...

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Randall & Aunt Sissy

Luke and Randall are best buds. Luke's face lights up every time he sees him. Oh and he loves his Auntie too!

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