Friday, October 31, 2008

More Penguin Pictures

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  1. These are the cutest pictures ever! What an adorable penguin. Wish I could've seen him.
    Hugs and kisses, Kimberly

  2. BTW, you still need to post my pick with him in the Obama shirt!

  3. These pictures are just so cute. We are going to MacKenzie's birthday party this afternoon. She is eight years old today. She just loves looking at your pictures on the blog and she wants to see you at Christmas. Have a great weekend. We can't wait until Thanksgiving. Grandpa gets to see you before I will and I am so jealous.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa G.

  4. Great Grandma saw your video yesterday at my house and she was so thrilled to see you crawling. You look so cute in your penguin outfit. Hope you had a Happy Holloween. YOu have a big day this week too - 9 months on 11/7. That's your Great Grandpa's birthday. I'm sure he's looking after you from heaven.
