Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We hit the polls bright and early this morning to cast our votes. Luke almost got charged with a felony for entering the voting booth with me. Fortunately he was able to sweet babble his way out of it. We are having a family election party tonight. Can't wait to see the results!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You look like you are having a good time at the polls Luke. You'd charm anyone into letting you be wherever you want to be.

  3. Luke was part of a great day!

  4. I still have goosebumps and tears in my eyes. The energy on the streets downtown last night was electric. What an incredible night!!! I actually feel like I may be able to live in this country for awhile longer!!!!

  5. What great pictures Luke!! To watch the faces in the crowd at Grant Park last night was just amazing. His speech was incredible and I hope and pray that he will be able to get things accomplished that will help our country.

    Love Grandma G.
