Sunday, December 7, 2008

Luke is 10 Months Today!

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  1. The middle one is my favorite because it looks like his hand is on his hip. Like "yeah, I'm 10 months...already the coolest guy in the room."

  2. Happy Birthday Luke. Your smile is awesome. I think you look like your Dad in the second picture. He's a pretty cool dude too.

  3. Happy Tenth Birthday Luke. Grandma misses you. I notice that you have that baseball in your left hand. Daddy is thrilled with that I am sure. It would really be something if you were left handed like your Grandma and Grandpa German. See you soon

    Love Grandma G.

  4. Sorry Luke, I meant Happy Tenth Month Birthday. We don't want to rush things.

    Love Grandma G

  5. Luke you look like such a big boy. I can't wait to see you at Christmas! Love, Grandma B

  6. Totally "stylin" in picture #2!
