Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So Thankful

As Kevin and I sat by the fire drinking wine, making smores and watching the fireworks across the lake, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for this beautiful place that Grandma and Poppa Cushing left for us. I certainly hope that Luke grows to love it as we do - he will be spending a lot of time here!

What would Poppa Cushing think about this??

The boats beginning to gather for Larry the Cable Guy's fireworks on the 5th.

Luke's first watermelon. He loved it, of course!
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  1. What precious pictures. It looks like you all had such a wonderful time. Aunt Karen and I have been busy painting a bedroom and doing a little shopping. We had a good time with Anna, Kristi and Paxton and their families on the fourth and they had wonderful fireworks. Lilly was so brave and sat on my lap the whole time while they were shooting the fireworks and she never even trembled. We were all so surprised that she wasn't scared and of course Anna was so happy to have Lilly there. Rudy was hiding in the basement.

  2. Great pictures! Luke might be the one person Poppa would let sit in his chair! I can't wait to head up there in a couple weeks.
