Saturday, September 26, 2009

College Football Saturday

I never thought I'd put a Nebraska sweatshirt on my son, but I thought
Grandma G would appreciate it. Cover your eyes Kimberly.

The Kansas football game was actually on TV here so we watched a
little of that today. We are anxiously awaiting basketball season.

And then we ate lunch...


  1. I know it was hard for your Daddy to put the Nebraska sweat shirt on you but Grandma G really does appreciate it and you do look outstanding - but then you look outstanding in anything you wear. Anna will be so happy to see your picture with the shirt that she helped me pick out. We got all of the Halloween decorations out yesterday and she helped me decorate the house.

    Grandma loves you.

  2. Can't wait for you to come to my office so I can show you off. You have so many fans at ASNR. They will be so excited to see you in person. I love your sweatshirt. YOu look so good in red. See you soon sweetie.

    Love, Great Aunt Karen

  3. Luke you are such a big boy! Kind of messy with the lunch however.
    See you soon! Love, Grandma B

  4. We have to get him a Virginia Tech jersey!
