Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Fun

Luke has been having so much fun this summer so far - hard to believe it's already the middle of June. He loves blowing bubbles and playing with the new "star" as he calls it - a big pinwheel that Aunt Chrissy sent all the way from London! I also got a few pics before he started "camp" yesterday, which is actually just an hour and a half of playtime at the park district so Mommy can rest and get some things done before Baby Brother arrives in a month (or less!).

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  1. I am so glad that you are having fun this summer. You look so cute in your knit shirt. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

    Love, KK

  2. Wow! How handsome you are. I simply just can't wait to see you. I'm so glad that you are having so much fun this summer.

    Grandma G

  3. Great pictures! What a big boy you are! Hope to see you this weekend!

  4. Love the pics, especially the one with the t-shirt I sent you. See you Sunday!!!
