Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Tale of Two Bedtimes

Here is Luke during a normal bedtime routine, peacefully laying down on the bed while reading one of his favorite books:

And here is Luke during a not-so-normal bedtime routine, not-so-peacefully running around the room with Weston's pacifier in his mouth (and yes, he did knock the closet door off its hinge):


  1. Oh my Goodness Luke! What a little character you are. Grandma can't wait to see you.

  2. I remember chasing you around your bedroom the last time I was with you. You get that devilish look in your eyes and we're off to the races. What fun!

  3. OMG! What a funny little boy you are!!!

  4. Love his attitude! Any second I expect him to put his hands on his hips and say "I'm to CUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTEEEEE; you can't catch MMMMMMEEEEEEEE!!!"

  5. You've got yourself a cage animal there!
