Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brotherly Love

Luke and Weston are really starting to have fun together. While I was getting dressed this morning Luke ran downstairs and got some toys for Weston to play with since he didn't have any. It was so sweet. Then they were playing together in the basement and Luke asked me to leave. He always does this when he's playing with someone he really likes and wants all their attention. He's also learned how to climb into the crib! While I don't condone this behavior, I couldn't resist taking these pics - such a precious moment! Although Weston looks a little concerned...

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  1. Could they be any more adorable??? Love it! Can I get a framed version of this?

  2. Yeh, what Sissy said!

  3. How precious. You are just so cute. Goey wishes she could give you both a big hug.

  4. I need an updated picture of them together. They are the cutest ever!
