Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pee and Poop on the Toilet! Woo!

I am pleased, thrilled, ecstatic, and relieved (pun intended) to announce that Luke is officially potty trained! It was actually surprisingly easy. It took about a week using M&Ms and a sticker chart for motivation. We are so proud of him. What a big boy he is!

A future underwear model?
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  1. Goey is so proud of you too!!! I agree with your Mommy and Daddy that you are such a big boy and so smart too. The pictures are great.

  2. Nana and Poppa are so proud of you and happy for your Mom! Good job!!!
    These pictures are great.

  3. Amazingly well done!

  4. You are the man! What a cute model you would make. All the girls are going to be chasing you.

    Love, KK
