Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Fun

Luke dyed Easter eggs for the first time on Friday night. He really did a great job. He was very good about putting the egg into the dye "somewhat" carefully. And he was very focused when he tranferred them from the dye to the drying tray. It was funny to see him organize them by color. A little OCD maybe? LOL! By the way, in case you didn't notice Luke got a summer hair cut earlier in the day. Kevin took him and sure enough Luke came home looking just like Daddy!
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  1. Oh Luke you look like you are having so much fun and Goey loves your new haircut - but you look handsome in any haircut you may have. Goey wishes you and Weston a very Happy Easter and I can't wait to see you in May. Wish your Mommy and Daddy and Happy Easter too.

  2. Wish I could've joined in the fun!! HAPPY EASTER everybody!

  3. I think that OCD comes from KK. He's so smart and cute. What a combination!
