Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of 4+ Preschool

Today was a big day... Luke started his 4+ preschool class at the park district. He put on quite the show while I took pictures, which you'll see below. And of course Weston was cracking up the whole time, egging him on! We are excited for this new school for several reasons, a big one being that Luke can ride his bike there while the weather is nice. It is also four afternoons a week, giving Luke plenty of fun and activity while Weston is at home napping (and maybe Mommy too!). Oh, and did I mention it's ALL BOYS??? Those poor teachers. Unfortunately the drop off was a little rough - Luke does have a flair for the dramatic - but at pick up he was happy as a clam.

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  1. What a handsome little boy and how exciting for you to start preschool today. Goey just loves all of your pictures.

  2. Luke you look so grown up. Can 't to see u

  3. Luke you look so grown up. Can 't to see u

  4. Luke you look so grown up. Can 't to see u

  5. He's such a big boy! Where has the time gone?
