Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back from the Lake

We just got back from our 4th of July trip to the lake. Another wonderful time! It gets more and more fun as the boys get older. This time they even went on their first canoe trip down the Namekagon River. They did great considering it was a two hour trip. They also had fun riding the "motorcycle" as Weston likes to call the jet ski. Luke was obsessed with how everything "worked". My goodness that child has a lot of questions, as the relatives came to find out! He was especially fascinated with the fireworks (which they both enjoyed, surprisingly), how the boat worked, and, of course, the hose and sprinklers.


  1. Great pictures! What a fun time. I'm glad the canoeing went well!

  2. Such great pictures! It looks like you all had a great time at the lake.
