Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Day of School... Sort of.

School is in session! Woo hoo! We got off to a bit of a rough start... On Luke's first day, I received a phone call from the school at about 1pm. My first thought was, "You've got to be kidding me". And sure enough, Luke was in the nurse's office with a fever. A fever! On the first day of school! So, I had to go pick him up. He genuinely was sick... Slept all afternoon and ended up missing day 2. BUT, now we have completed week 2 and all is going great! He loves his teacher, Mrs. Sailer. I'm going to be the room mom this year so I look forward to being involved in the class and getting to know the teacher.

Weston also had a bit of a rough go when he started a week later. On his first full day, he marched right up the teacher, Mrs. Greeno, and said, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY". After a bit of negotiating, she said, "I'll be getting out my super hero toys today". At that his face lit up and he ran in the door, happy as a clam. I've had no objections since. He was even sad when I told him he doesn't have school on Fridays.

SO, this week will technically be our first full week for all. Looking forward to getting back on track with a schedule. Yay for school!

Someone wasn't too happy about his brother going to school!

Luke's teacher, Mrs. Sailer, in the background wearing white.