Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good Ol' Wisconsin

A trip through Wisconsin isn't complete without a photo op with some of the state's local "tourist attractions". How many places can you take your picture with a giant orange moose AND a giant mouse eating a block of cheese???

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  1. Luke, your great grandpa Mansfield would have loved that giant orange moose. That was his favorite animal. We always had great laughs about that. Hope to see you soon.

  2. It's so funny Luke - I just read the email from your Great Aunt Karen and I thought the same thing about your Great Grandpa. He would have loved this picture and you too of course. That giant mouse with the cheese is pretty cute too!!!!

    Love Grandma G.

  3. It's me again Luke - Talking about the moose, one of your Great Grandpa Mansfield's favorite expressions was "You need that like a moose needs a hat rack." He had some pretty funny expressions and some that are not for your ears just yet. Your Great Grandpa M. would have loved you so much.

    Love Grandma G.

  4. It's Aunt Karen again. I got an email from your Grandma Donna and she reminded me about the moose your grandpa still has on his desk with a Christmas wreath on one of his antlers.
