Friday, July 11, 2008

Hangin' Out

Luke and I were just hangin' out tonight so I thought I'd take some pictures. He was full of new sounds today... Sometimes one day is so different from the previous I feel like I'm meeting a new baby! He's been doing really well in his Bumbo seat at brunch and dinner and is loving solids now - can't seem to get the spoon in his mouth fast enough! I just strip him down before eating rather than messing with bibs. Makes the clean up much easier!

Look at those eyelashes!! So not fair!

Luke spends most of the time on his tummy. He absolutely refuses to stay on his back, day or night!

Again, the eyelashes...! Definitely got those from Kevin. Why do the guys get them?
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  1. How wonderful to wake up this morning and get on the computer and find your beautiful pictures Luke. Erin - these pictures are so great - he is such a beautiful baby. I wish I could give him a big hug and kiss.

    Love Grandma G.

  2. Luke you are such a cutie patootey! I just love your big eyes. See you soon, love, Grandma B
