Friday, March 27, 2009

You will be missed...

March has been a difficult month for the German household... We are sad to say that we lost Grandpa German on the 15th to complications from pneumonia and lung cancer. It happened so quickly - we are shocked and devastated to say the least. But we do find comfort in knowing that Luke had some great times with his grandpa, has his name, and he will live on in our hearts and stories we share with Luke. We'll miss you Grandpa G...
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  1. Grandpa loved you so much Luke and couldn't wait until he could throw a baseball to you. Grandma will try to do that for him. Grandpa will live in our hearts forever. Lilly and I will see you at Easter. I love you very much.

    Love Grandma G.

  2. Grandpa G. will definitely be missed by all of us. It was clear to everyone that he loved you very much!!! I was just reminiscing on the time we all went white water rafting in Arizona - what a great memory. Daddy and Grandpa G had an awesome time. As Grandma said, he will live on in our hearts forever.
