Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two Toots

We had lunch today at a restaurant in downtown Glen Ellyn called Two Toots.  It's a little family diner where they deliver your food on a train!  Luke loved it, although a few hours later I discovered another reason why they call it "two toots"....

He's getting really good at using the straw now...

And, of course, at dipping his french fries in the ketchup (thanks Grandpa Rip)...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Open, Close, Open, Close, Open, Close

Adding to his repertoire of door handling skills, Luke has now mastered door closing from the OUTSIDE of the door. And he is tall and smart enough to use the knob. Open, close, open, close, open, close... He would play this game all day if I would let him. I see a career in the front of a luxury hotel for him. With his smile, he'd be an outstanding greeter.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tomato Head

Just when I thought Luke's table manners were improving, he rubbed his hands in tomato sauce and spread it all over his face at dinner tonight. So much for that!

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful weekend up at the lake. The weather was PERFECT, very unusual for this time of year. Luke had so much fun - we got a real kick out of watching him run around and explore everything. And he certainly put on quite a show for the Russells. Such a goofball! He wasn't quite ready to dive into the water, but we'll ease him in once it gets warmer. We put lots of work into the beach which he seemed to really like, although a little too much sand went into his mouth! We can't wait to head back in July.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Beach Time!

Luke is enjoying his beach time during our first trip of the season to
the cabin. He also loves his new camping chair Grandma G got him.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Garden

Erin and Luke were busy planting a new garden in the backyard this weekend. Daddy took care of the mulch, while Luke decided he could best help by playing in the mud...

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

15 Month Appointment

Luke had his 15 month appointment last Thursday and everything went well. The doctor reaffirmed our suspicions that he's a very big boy! He's now 27 pounds, and 33.5 inches tall. Here are a few random pictures over the past week. Erin put him in this outfit and we quickly realized he looked like a member of the Wrigley Field grounds crew...

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Luke's Swing

We hung a swing in the big tree we have in the back yard. It's providing great fun for Luke on these beautiful days we've been having!

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Table Manners

Luke and I have been "experiementing" with using utensils. Needless to say his skills and manners need some serious refining. He's also quite demanding about having food put on his spoon, which then usually goes straight to the floor. Splat... splat... splat...

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