Friday, May 1, 2009

Table Manners

Luke and I have been "experiementing" with using utensils. Needless to say his skills and manners need some serious refining. He's also quite demanding about having food put on his spoon, which then usually goes straight to the floor. Splat... splat... splat...

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  1. Don't tell anyone Luke but Grandma G. has been known to lick the bowl when a hot fudge sundae is involved. Too bad Lilly wasn't there to clean up the few peas and pasta that accidently fell on the floor. You and your Mommy have a good day. I love you.

    Love Grandma G.

  2. I'll take of picture of you and Grandma G when you have a hot fundge sundae together. You'd be surprised how long her tongue is. She can touch her nose! Hope she doesn't look at the comments again.

  3. Kind of gross... I'm sure you and Luke wish Randall was there to clean up the mess! Randall wishes he was there too.

  4. What a MESS! Where's Randall when you need him?
    Luke you are all boy! See you soon, Grandma B.
