Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tomato Head

Just when I thought Luke's table manners were improving, he rubbed his hands in tomato sauce and spread it all over his face at dinner tonight. So much for that!

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  1. Oh Lucas what a little character you are. Are you trying to give your Mommy a hard time? Your expressions are just priceless.

    Love Grandma G.

  2. I missed seeing you on your blog when I was in Vancouver. I had a wonderful time after the meeting in Victoria and Whistler mountain where the skiing at the 2010 Olympics will be. I bought you a present in Whistler for you so I can't wait to see you. You look so cute and I can't wait to give you a big kiss.

    Love, Great Aunt Karen

  3. Oh that second picture is classic! What a face!

  4. I've seen that expression on Kevin. I miss you little Luke!
