Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

Luke really enjoyed his first trick-or-treating experience tonight and he was the best little German boy we could have ever hoped for. He actually acted like he'd been trick-or-treating for years! We took him around the neighborhood in his wagon and when we would get to a house, he would get out of the wagon and instantly walk up to the door with his pumpkin basket (thanks Great Aunt Karen) and ask for some candy (in his own language of course).

It was a little cool, so we had to go with the long underwear and skull cap under the costume, but that didn't faze the littly guy.

Here he is having fun with Erin's Halloween decorations.

Here he is hunting down his first trick-or-treat piece of candy at our neighbor's house with Daddy:

And here he is admiring his take. Daddy let him have a few Whoppers before he went to bed. :)
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  1. LOVE IT! So wish I would've been there to watch him. Hugs and kisses!

  2. Lucas I wish you could have come to our house! Miss you so much!

  3. Glad you had a good time and got a lot of great treats. Can't wait to see you on Friday.

  4. I'm so glad that you had such a good time trick-or-treating. Lilly had her little costume on and helped me greet the little ones here. We had a great time but sure wish you could have been here. Grandma can't wait to see you.

  5. These pictures are so cute! I love how it looks like Luke is doing a little jig in the second photo!!! hahaha
