Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Work Lunch

We paid a visit to Great Aunt Karen's office for lunch today. Luke
walked around like he owned the place as I think he saw every single
inch of the office.

Luke would like to thank all the friendly people at ASNR for letting
him take over the place and of course for the pumpkin!

Here he is helping Karen on the computer while playing with her
Halloween witch.


  1. Luke, you were a huge hit at my office. Your fans were so happy to meet you and want you to come back soon. You seemed to be right at home. Love you "little guy".


  2. Luke you look so handsome sitting at Great Aunt Karen's computer. I bet you had a great time with everyone and Grandma so wishes she could have been there too. You and your Mommy have a great day. I love you.

  3. I could use an extra hand around my office too! Come on by!

  4. Maybe you could help me with my computer skills Luke. We all know I need it!
    See you soon! Grandma B
