Saturday, December 18, 2010

Breakfast with Santa

It's a Christmas Miracle! Luke actually sat on Santa's lap without tears! He WANTED to do it. We were amazed. Of course the only time Weston DOESN'T smile is when we put him on Santa's lap. Oh well. Guess they switched roles today. Luke's friend Alex was also there - she was thoroughly enjoying a cookies as she sat on Mrs. Claus' lap.

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  1. Precious! I can't believe Weston's fat cheeks!
    Looks like Luke is having a great time.
    See you soon!

  2. What darling pictures. So glad Luke likes Santa. I think Wes was very brave not to cry. That's a big santa.

  3. What wonderful pictures. You both look so cute. Goey can't wait to see you.

  4. Too cute! My adorable nephews and my future step-god-daughter! :)
