Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Taking Care of Business

Daddy had a dentist appointment this afternoon, so he asked me if I could fill in for him at work. At first, I was a bit confused - I mean, I'm only 5 months old, you know? It's not like I'm the E*Trade baby after all...

But after a while, I kind of warmed up to the idea. Work might be kind of fun...

Yeah, this is going to be great. I get to ride in a car, sit in front of a computer screen all day where I can watch Sesame Street on-line...This is going to be great!

No wonder Daddy went to the dentist! Work stinks! I'd rather be at the dentist, too. Wait, what's a dentist??

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  1. Wes is so adorable. You just want to pinch those cute little cheeks and hug him.

  2. I never thought there would be a baby as cute and Luke, but you guys managed to find one more! Great pics!
